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Send request with query string

Simply to add query params to request, you need to pass a dict with params into reqsnaked.Request construction.

request = reqsnaked.Request(
    "GET", "",
    query={"foo": "bar"}
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import asyncio

import reqsnaked

async def main():
    client = reqsnaked.Client()
    request = reqsnaked.Request(
        "GET", "",
        query={"foo": "bar"}
    response = await client.send(request)
    content = await response.json()
    # httpbin returns query string we passed in the response"args")
{"foo": "bar"}

You can also combine query string from params and hardcoded (params will override hardcoded)

request = reqsnaked.Request(
    "GET", "",
    query={"foo": "bar"}
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import asyncio

import reqsnaked

async def main():
    client = reqsnaked.Client()
    request = reqsnaked.Request(
        "GET", "",
        query={"foo": "bar"}
    response = await client.send(request)
    content = await response.json()
    # httpbin returns query string we passed in the response"args")
    "fizz": "bazz",
    "foo": "bar"

It supports a few standart python types so params like this:

    "array": ["bar", -123, False],
    "nothing": None,
    "float": 6.332,
    "boolean": True

Will produce such query string
