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Send application/json

Simply to add json to request, you need to pass a dict with params into reqsnaked.Request construction.

request = reqsnaked.Request(
    "POST", "",
    json={"foo": "bar"}
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import asyncio

import reqsnaked

async def main():
    client = reqsnaked.Client()
    request = reqsnaked.Request(
        "POST", "",
        json={"foo": "bar"}
    response = await client.send(request)
    content = await response.json()
    # httpbin returns json we passed in the response"json")
{"foo": "bar"}

It supports all python types that a normally could be dumped using built-in json module. So this argument

    "array": ["bar", -123, False],
    "nothing": None,
    "float": 6.332,
    "boolean": True

will produce such JSON

    "array": [
    "boolean": true,
    "float": 6.332,
    "nothing": null

Read JSON from body

JSON could be both read and parse using Response.json() method. It returns a special LazyJSON object:

client = reqsnaked.Client()
request = reqsnaked.Request(
    "POST", "",
response = await client.send(request)
data = await response.json()
  "slideshow": {
    "author": "Yours Truly",
    "date": "date of publication",
    "slides": [
        "title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
        "type": "all"
        "items": [
          "Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
          "Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"
        "title": "Overview",
        "type": "all"
    "title": "Sample Slide Show"

Full code preview

import asyncio

import reqsnaked

async def main():
    client = reqsnaked.Client()
    request = reqsnaked.Request(
        "POST", "",
    response = await client.send(request)
    data = await response.json()
{"foo": "bar"}

It's called "lazy" because it does not load everything into Python types immidiately. To access something use .query(...) method, which accepts *args that uses chainly to get an object:

client = reqsnaked.Client()
request = reqsnaked.Request(
    "POST", "",
response = await client.send(request)
data = await response.json()
print(data.query("slideshow", "slides", 0, "title"))
"Wake up to WonderWidgets!"

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import asyncio

import reqsnaked

async def main():
    client = reqsnaked.Client()
    request = reqsnaked.Request(
        "POST", "",
    response = await client.send(request)
    data = await response.json()
    print(data.query("slideshow", "slides", 0, "title"))
{"foo": "bar"}

It's the same as you would use data["slideshow"]["slides"][0]["title"] with an ordinary dict. In this case only string "Wake up to WonderWidgets!" will be loaded to python types, other will be stored using Rust cheap types.


The same "chaining" works for .show(...)


You cannot read from body twice