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For contributors

Fork the project

Fork the project. All changes will be pushed to your own remote

Clone the project

To contribute the project, firstly, fork it in GitHub and then clone the project from main branch of your fork

Make a new branch

Create a new branch from main. You will do any changes in this branch

Install project

Now we should create an environment for developing (requires poetry)

make install-dev-all

Now you are ready for integrating new features ✨

Test your changes

Sure that your changes do not break anything and run unit test locally:

make test

Also check mypy report:

make check

Push your changes

Push your changes to remote, and then you can view code tested in different platforms and python versions

Prepare your code

The project uses pre-commit for linting, but if you have some troubles with git hooks, use linting by hand:

make format

Create a pull request

Now you are ready to create a pull request with your new changes! We will answer you as soon as possible ☺️